About - Ayush Shrestha || UI/UX || Front-end || Angular || React || Wordpress


HTML/5, CSS/3, XHTML, SCSS, TAILWIND, Bootstrap, Javascript/jQuery

  • WordPress, VueJS, AngularJS, ReactJS, EmberJS, NodeJS, KnockoutJS, Grunt, Gulp, Bower,
    MongoDB, Express
  • Figma, Adobe XD, Photoshop, VisualStudio Code, Illustrator, Lightroom
  • UX Design, Interaction Design, Visual Design, Usability, Information Architecture, Project
    Management, Requirement Analysis, Functionality, Typography, User Interface.
  • .NET, SQL, PHP, XML, Action Script, mySQL, jQuery, Ajax

Over 150+ satisfied clients trust my expertise and exceptional services.

I’ve successfully completed over 4500+ projects, delivering outstanding results every time.

My focus on client satisfaction ensures a 100% happiness rate with my services.

With my unwavering dedication, I give 101% commitment to every project I undertake.


Building Trust, Not Pitching.
I believe in fostering genuine connections with my clients. I prioritize building trust by understanding their needs, challenges, and aspirations. Instead of resorting to pushy sales tactics, I focus on establishing long-term partnerships based on mutual trust and respect. By taking the time to listen, collaborate, and deliver exceptional solutions, we consistently exceed expectations and earn the trust of our clients.

Bold Moves, Big Impact.
I are not afraid to challenge conventions and take bold steps to make a difference. I thrives on creativity, innovation, and a passion for pushing boundaries. I believe in creating extraordinary brand experiences that leave a lasting impact. Through daring strategies, cutting-edge design, and effective storytelling, I help my clients stand out from the competition and achieve remarkable results.

Building Strong Partnerships.
Collaboration is at the heart of our approach. My view for my clients as partners and believe that strong relationships lead to exceptional outcomes. I invest time in understanding their vision, values, and goals, ensuring that my solutions align with their objectives. By nurturing transparent and open communication, I forge strong partnerships that drive success and create long-term value.

Achieving Real Results.
I results-oriented, driven by a desire to make a tangible impact for my clients. My focus is on delivering measurable outcomes that drive growth, increase brand awareness, and generate meaningful engagement. With a data-driven approach, meticulous planning, and continuous optimization, I ensure that my strategies produce real results and deliver a substantial return on investment.

My Awards

Best Team Leader, VesuvioLabs (2022)

Sr. Creative Designer and Coder, EbPearls (2018)

4th Position Table Tennis, EbPearls ( 2019 )

Good HTML Slicing of the year , Arihant Technologies (2010)

Punctual and Honest Employee , Radiant Infotech Nepal (2008)